Welcome to St Anthony’s Catholic School
Welcome to St Anthony’s Catholic School where we follow in the footsteps of Christ.
We take pride in being a Franciscan school under the guidance of St Anthony, St Francis and St Clare. Our charism is our connection with community, land and our natural surroundings. We have 5 acres of grounds in which to play and our students can spread far and wide - from our bush play, through our adventure trail, swings, undercover playground to our healing circle or indigenous spiritual garden.
We are a School Wide Positive Behaviour School. We are safe, respectful and responsible.
We offer an Arts program including Drama, Music, Visual Arts and Media Arts; STEM education including a STEM Club after school. We have a PE specialist and Daily PE led by our Grade 6 leaders. We also offer a Japanese program including culture and language.
At St Anthony’s, we work closely with CatholicCare who provide our before and after school care as well as an Early Learning Centre for 3 to 5 year olds.
We are a single-streamed school with 8 classes, Kindergarten to Grade 6.
At St Anthony’s we promote a welcoming, supportive Catholic community of faith that gives a real sense of belonging to all - a small school with a big heart.
We are a small school with a big heart

Book a Tour
If you’ve been thinking about enrolling your child at St Anthony’s, and haven’t yet had the opportunity to visit, please join us for a tour.
Our curriculum planning is based upon the needs of students and their stages of development using the Australian Curriculum.