School Board
St Anthony’s School Board
St Anthony’s invites members from the school community to become active participants in the school in a variety of ways. The School Board is one way in which members of the community can get involved in our school.
Primarily, the School Board work in conjunction with the Principal in areas of school development such as:
Enrolment Publicity and Promotion
School Facilities
Capital and Maintenance Plans
School Fees and Levies
The Principal is solely responsible for the educational program and the day to day function of the school, however, the Board may be called upon to give advice and support involving curriculum and extracurricular activities. The Board also serves as a vital communication link between the parent community and the school.
Parish Priest
School Principal
Ordinary members
Every third Tuesday of the month
Term of Initial Appointment
Three years.
The Annual Board membership is ratified each April meeting at the Annual General Meeting.
2024 Membership
Chairperson - Michael Lowe
Secretary - Jonette Scott
Financial Advisor Vacant
Fr Martin Aye Ngwe (Parish Priest)
Mr Jason Perry (Principal)
Jess Greene
Michael Lowe
Sarah McIntee
Ashlee Walker
Mike French
Jonette Scott